2 min read

Day Thirty-Three - There is Hope

We are not defined by our sins because God’s mercy, His never ending love, is bigger. There is hope, just as there was for the woman caught in adultery in today's Gospel.
Day Thirty-Three - There is Hope

Today's Reflection
by Rain Mariz

In today’s Gospel (John 8:1-11), we encounter the woman caught in adultery and we witness God’s loving mercy.  Here is a woman who was found to be guilty of a grave sin, and she was brought before Jesus.  They expected Him to condemn her and to stone her, because of what she had done.  Instead, Jesus forgave her.  He gave her hope.

In our world, many women are experiencing the grief and trauma that come from having an abortion.  Often, they feel defined by what they’ve done, thus having trouble seeking forgiveness and post-abortion healing.

This Gospel reading is a reminder that the story does not end there.  He said “‘Neither do I condemn you.  Go, and from now on do not sin anymore’” (John 8:11).  These are powerful words.  While sin is wrong and we must not overlook His command to sin no more, we are called to love the sinner.  We are all children of God, equal in dignity.  We are not defined by our sins because God’s mercy, His never ending love, is bigger.  Sin has a huge impact on us and on our world–but God’s grace is greater.  There is hope, just as there was for the woman caught in adultery.  

Those who have had an abortion must be treated with compassion and love, and we need to help them find redemption and healing.  The pro-life message of hope should be shared with them, and there are many ministries and organizations that focus on doing so, such as Project Rachel (https://hopeafterabortion.com/) and The Sisters of Life (https://sistersoflife.org/healing-after-abortion/).

Today, we can reflect on the Gospel message and pray for those who are suffering from an abortion.  We pray for God’s healing love to embrace them, and that they may be led to hope and healing.

Prayer to Redeem Lost Time

O my God! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Your sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear before You in "wedding garments."


Prayer written by St. Teresa of Avila.