3 min read

Day Thirty-Four - Self-Forgiveness

While it is good to learn from your mistakes, focusing too much on the past can have serious effects on your mental, physical, and spiritual help. But how can we break free from this?
Day Thirty-Four - Self-Forgiveness

Today's Reflection
by Elizabeth Boda

We all struggle with forgiveness, but often I find myself struggling with a different kind of forgiveness: self-forgiveness. No matter what mistake we make, it can be hard to move on. Sometimes you may catch yourself reliving a fear or past memory that was traumatizing for you, or having bad past experiences alter your behavior in a bad way. While it is good to learn from your mistakes, focusing too much on the past can have serious effects on your mental, physical, and spiritual help. But how can we break free from this?

First off, talk to someone. A parent, good friend, or priest are all good options. Parents have spent many more years on this planet than you have, and most likely have gone through whatever experience you are, or know someone who has. Good friends, even if they haven’t experienced it themselves, will be there to comfort you and make sure you know that everything is going to be ok. Priests aren’t just for confession, in fact you do not need to confess a past sin if you already have. Priests are also there for spiritual direction, and it is quite an important thing to do if you need to ask advice or ask questions about troubling experiences.

Second of all, if you committed a sin in the past, confess it to a priest. Just hearing the words “You are forgiven” from a person of spiritual authority can be immensely freeing. However, don’t get caught in the loop of confessing the same sin over and over again. In the sacrament of Confession, Jesus forgives and forgets once you have confessed it.

Lastly, pray about it. We should not be silent to God at any stage in our life, but when we are going through trials it is especially important to keep communicating with Him. He is here to help, and He loves and cares about you.

Prayer to Let Go of Guilt

Dear Lord,      
I come before you humbly today asking you to help me forgive myself. I have looked back on my past way too long. And I am tired of feeling like I could have done better every single day. To be honest, when I think this way a part of me knows that it is right. I really could have made better choices, but I cannot go back and change it. The only thing I am in control of now is my future. I cannot live life backward. Lord, right now I release all my anxiety into your hands. It is not your will that I hate myself for all the things that I have done. Lord, when I hate myself, I hate the very thing that you have created. I must know that is a sin.

Not only do I pray for myself but I also pray for other people that are struggling with forgiving themselves. Unforgiveness can make you feel so insecure. Help them accept themselves for their shortcomings because your Holy Word states: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Lord, as you cleanse and purify our hearts from unforgiveness help us understand that “all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). God, imperfection is a considerable part of our earthly nature. Help us accept our flaws and know that you love us in spite of them. In Jesus name,


Prayer published by Prayray.