3 min read

Day Thirty-Five - Why Does God Permit Suffering and Temptations?

For, if Jesus can suffer and die for our sake, the least we can do is suffer and die of ourselves in return. Jesus is always walking beside you as you carry your crosses. He will not abandon you.
Day Thirty-Five - Why Does God Permit Suffering and Temptations?

Today's Reflection
by Alison Simpson

Why does God permit suffering and temptations? If He is a good and loving God, wouldn’t He refrain from giving us any trials or at least relieve us of some of our heavy burdens? Well, Our Lord said to St. Catherine of Siena, “I want you to conquer, not to be conquered, and come to a perfect knowledge of yourself and of Me.” What does this mean? Simply put, God gives us trials and temptations as a means of conquering our vices. It can also help us to better understand ourselves, our moral compass, and our relationship with God.

How is this done? Well, overcoming temptations can uproot vices and plant virtues in their place. We want to cultivate a garden of virtues in our souls. This does not come just by our desire to obtain virtue. Our desire is only part of it. We must work for it. Just like anything worth obtaining in life. It’s by bearing up suffering and by renouncing temptations that we truly start to cultivate a garden of virtues in our souls. Bearing up our sufferings without complaint is a constant battle. It often feels impossible to overcome. However, take heart. All things are possible through Christ. He will strengthen us. He will give us the grace to bear up our suffering. This can only truly happen when we unite our will with His will.

Our plan for our lives may not always line up with God’s will. We are human and we desire worldly things. We sin and we will certainly make a lot of mistakes. It’s inevitable. However, we must learn that God’s will is far greater than our will. His plan is beautifully intricate. He knows better than us. But to line our will with His will requires complete surrender. Complete surrender is possible. We must keep in mind that it will take more than just saying “Jesus, I surrender myself to you.” We must prove that we trust Him. This can be done by bearing up our crosses with thanksgiving. Praising God for our trials may seem difficult at first but it will become easier each time we do it. Offering up our sufferings for the souls in purgatory and for the voiceless in our society (such as the unborn, elderly, etc.) is one way of making it more bearable. In addition, prayer in moments of temptation is essential. Renounce the thought with a Hail Mary. Having some healthy distractions (recreational activities, chores, and much more) is an additional method of combating temptations.

The trials and temptations we bear up and overcome are a part of our journey towards sainthood. God does not take joy in seeing us suffer. In fact, it breaks His heart immensely. However, He knows that we need it. We need it as a means of uprooting vices. Because that’s when our garden of virtues can grow. For, if Jesus can suffer and die for our sake, the least we can do is suffer and die of ourselves in return. Jesus is always walking beside you as you carry your crosses. He will not abandon you. C.S. Lewis, Christian author and professor, once stated, “Life with God is not immunity from difficulties but peace within difficulties.”

Prayer in Times of Suffering

Behold me, my beloved Jesus,
weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings,
I cast myself at Your feet,
that You may renew my strength and my courage,
while I rest here in Your Presence.
Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart,
for only Your infinite goodness can sustain me;
only Your love can help me bear my cross;
only Your powerful hand can lighten its weight.
O Divine King, Jesus,
whose heart is so compassionate to the afflicted,
I wish to live in You;
suffer and die in You.
During my life be to me my model and my support;
At the hour of my death,
be my hope and my refuge.


Prayer published by Catholic Online.