Spring 2024 Newsletter

Featured Article:
Light in the Darkness by Matthew Belyea

The issue of abortion underscores a profound crisis of hope and value for life. In a culture increasingly indifferent to the sanctity of life, Christ’s hope reaffirms every individual's inherent worth and dignity. His message confronts the despair that permeates our society, calling us to uphold and protect the most vulnerable.

Christ’s resurrection is not merely a symbol but a testament to the power of new beginnings and victory over death and despair. It serves as a reminder that, despite present darkness, there is always the possibility of renewal and transformation. This hope challenges individuals to confront their struggles with purpose and resilience.

In a Western world often marked by isolation and disconnection, the communal hope found in Christ offers a powerful antidote. Embodying this hope, the church becomes a source of solidarity and strength. Together, believers are called to be a light in the darkness, living out the transformative power of Christ’s message in every sphere of life.

We fight for life because it embodies the hope of Christ—a hope that affirms every individual's inherent worth and dignity. In a world marred by despair and ethical decay, upholding the sanctity of life is a powerful testament to our belief in renewal, transformation, and the enduring promise of redemption. Through this commitment, we strive to bring light to the darkness, living out Christ’s profound message of love, justice, and hope in every facet of our existence. Our advocacy for life is not merely a stance but a profound affirmation of the values that sustain and elevate humanity.

So then let us unite in this mission. I urge each of you to reflect on the immense value of every human life and the profound impact of our advocacy. Together, let’s embody Christ’s love and hope, standing firm in our dedication to protect and cherish life at all stages. By doing so, we not only uphold our faith but also contribute to a world that reflects the true essence of Christ’s teachings.

Come Holy Spirit! Consume our nation and all the nations of the world. First and foremost, direct us to salvation. Lead us to Heaven. Free us from evil. Protect every soul from sin and save every human life from the horror of abortion.

Pro-Life Quotes:

“There are two ways: the way of life and the way of death, and the difference between these two ways is great. Therefore, do not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.” - The Didache

“The child, by reason of higher physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.” - United Nations' Declaration of the Rights of the Child

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” - Psalms 139:13-14


President Biden
expands Title IX to include transgender people, which could have devestating effects on American sport. This is a shameful act because it forgets the aim of trying to upholding equality for women in sports. Pray that the president repents and that people would take a stance against this.

Source: https://studentsforlife.org/2024/04/24/biden-latest-expansion-of-transgender-protections-in-title-ix-threatens-and-erases-women/

In New York, Attorney General Letitia James has filed a lawsuit against Heartbeat International and several New York crisis pregnancy centers because of their advocacy for the abortion pill reversal procedure. It seems that James ignores the high success rate of the procedure as well as how that this gives a choice for women who regret their decisions. However, Heartbeat Int'l and others are fighting back, citing the 1st and 14th Amendment. Pray that justice will be served and that New York will gain more pro-life warriors.

Source: https://centerforclientsafety.org/standing-for-truth-and-womens-health-the-deceitful-lawsuit-against-pro-life-advocates/

Meeting Notice:

Our finalized date for our monthly meetings will be the second-to-last monday of each month, always taking place at 6:30 P.M. EST unless otherwise specified. Thank you all for your feedback. As always, send us what you would like for us to cover! God bless!
Post Tenebras Lux!