September 2024 Newsletter

Featured Article
by Genevieve Norris

The Psychological Impact of Abortion
Abortion can have lasting psychological consequences for many women, and research shows that it often brings emotional distress, not just in the short term, but over the course of a lifetime. While some may initially feel relief, countless women later report feelings of deep sadness, guilt, and regret after having an abortion. These emotions can be difficult to manage and often lead to long-term mental health struggles.

Many women experience post-abortion grief, a psychological response characterized by depression, anxiety, and sometimes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms can include nightmares, flashbacks, and difficulty in relationships, as women grapple with the reality of their decision. For some, the grief can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of isolation. These emotions may surface immediately after the abortion or emerge years later, triggered by life events like future pregnancies or significant anniversaries.

Many of these negative psychological effects stem from the deep, inherent understanding that life begins at conception. When women are faced with the reality of ending a pregnancy, they may later struggle with regret over the loss of their child. This emotional conflict is particularly profound when women feel pressured into making the decision, or when they believe they had no other option.

Offering support and alternatives to abortion is key in addressing these mental health challenges. Pro-life pregnancy centers provide counseling, emotional care, and resources to help women choose life, while also assisting those who have already experienced abortion. By providing compassionate care, the pro-life movement aims to help women avoid the emotional toll of abortion and empower them to make decisions that respect both their well-being and the life of their child.

Prayer: Affirming Life

God, you are the Lord and Creator of Life.
You have blessed men and women
With the privilege
Of bringing new life
Into the world.

You have imparted in our hearts
The desire to nurture and protect life
At all its stages.

I accept these gifts as a sacred trust.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit
Help me to affirm the value of life.

Grant me the wisdom and courage
To speak out and defend human life.

Give me compassion
So that I may lovingly counsel
Those who would reject the gift of life,
Which is the reflection
Of Your image and likeness.


Pro-Life Quotes

"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so you may live as you wish."
-Mother Teresa

"To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken place, a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion... It is plain evidence."
-Ven. Jerome LeJeune

Credit to Felicity Willard for submitting these quotes to the newsletter team.


The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group debunked a misleading ad campaign that claimed two women died in Georgia because of anti-abortion laws. The two women, Candi Miller and Amber Thurman, passed away due to complications caused by abortion pills. Pro-Publica, a left leaning outlet, reported that Georgia's six-week abortion ban caused a delay in Thurman's abortion, and Miller chose not to even seek care with a medical provider “due to the current legislation on pregnancies and abortions.” However, Georgia law explicitly allows abortions in cases where the mother's life is at risk, so that claim has been debunked. Nevertheless, pro-choice media continues to push the misleading narrative and benefit off these two women's unfortunate death.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Pro-Life Rosary: October 1st at 7PM Eastern Time. This event will be a regular occurrence on the first Tuesday of every month.

Monthly Meeting: October 21st at 6:30PM Eastern Time.

Submit Content

This newsletter relies heavily on the contributions of group members. There are a number of items we are looking for:

Creative content: We have implemented a segment of the newsletter dedicated to the topically relevant artistic contributions of group members, regardless of medium. If you have anything to share, please send it in. We'll accept most mediums, including (pictures of) paintings, graphic design pieces, songs, videos, poems, etc.

Articles: We are accepting topically relevant articles from group members. Please note, however, that the newsletter editors reserve the right to modify articles in order to make them suitable for publication. Such modifications may include grammatical corrections and removal of potentially offensive content.

Quotes & Literary Passages: We are also looking for any topically relevant quotes or literary passages to fill a segment of the newsletter. Anything from a simple sentence spoken by a saint to a paragraph from a book can be accepted.

If you want to submit anything from the above categories, or you simply want to provide feedback or suggestions, please email us at and we will get in touch with you shortly.