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Featured Article:

Life at Conception: by Annabella Salvucci

As pro-life supporters, we believe in life at conception. But it can be hard for our minds to grasp that a tiny cluster of cells in a living, thinking person, even though it is the stone base idea of the pro-life movement. So how can we prove that such a tiny cluster is alive?
First, it is necessary to go over the biological rules that distinguish whether something is alive. The first rule, and this is in no particular order, is that the organism must breathe, which fetuses, however small, do via the umbilical cord. The organism must eat, a function which is also carried out through the umbilical cord, along with the third rule of excretion. The fourth rule is that the organism must respond to physical or environmental changes, which a fetus, no matter how small, does do. The organism must move, and a baby in utero does that. Finally, it must reproduce, which the baby will be able to do once it is a fully developed adult.
So a fetus is alive, but is it thinking? Does a baby receive a soul at conception? Well, it is now necessary to look at Our Lady. Mary is known to have an Immaculate Conception, which means that her soul was free of sin even at conception. From that, one can tell that Our Lady had a soul at conception, and she is human just like us, so one can conclude that all people are given a soul at conception.
In conclusion, a baby is a living, breathing, thinking, human with a body and a soul the moment it is conceived, both in biological and theological terms. It is truly alive.


A Prayer for the Unborn

Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear of selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.

Source: https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=1344

Pro-life Quotes:

"Saying that there are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers."
—Mother Teresa

"I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born."
—Ronald Reagan


The U.S Army Presentations list Pro-life Organizations as Terrorist Groups

On July 10th, 2024, Journalist Sam Shoemate exposed on X (Twitter) the U.S. Army's terrorist briefing at Fort Liberty. Shoemate said that on one of the slides “The organizations labeled by the army as terror organizations include National Right to Life and Operation Rescue.” He also said that “They also included a screenshot of a license plate with 'IM4IT,' which is a plate many Pro-Life citizens put on their car, which implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate.”
“Keep in mind they’re not labeling them as extremist organizations (which would still be crazy), but as terrorist organizations,” Shoemate said. “The military and Dept of Defense are insanely out of control. Service-members are being indoctrinated to view Pro-Life groups as the enemy.”

Source: https://www.lifenews.com/2024/07/11/u-s-army-presentation-lists-pro-life-organizations-as-terrorist-groups/

Upcoming Events:

Next Meeting:

The next monthly meeting is on August 26th at 6:30pm Eastern time.
God bless!

Submit Content:

This newsletter relies heavily on the contributions of group members. There are a number of items we are looking for:

  1. Creative content: We have implemented a segment of the newsletter dedicated to the topically relevant artistic contributions of group members, regardless of medium. If you have anything to share, please send it in. We'll accept most mediums, including (pictures of) paintings, graphic design pieces, songs, videos, poems, etc.
  2. Articles: We are accepting topically relevant articles from group members. Please note, however, that the newsletter editors reserve the right to modify articles in order to make them suitable for publication. Such modifications may include grammatical corrections and removal of potentially offensive content.
  3. Quotes & Literary Passages: We are also looking for any topically relevant quotes or literary passages to fill a segment of the newsletter. Anything from a simple sentence spoken by a saint to a paragraph from a book can be accepted.

If you want to submit anything from the above categories, or you simply want to provide feedback or suggestions, please email us at hscstudentsforlife@gmail.com and we will get in touch with you shortly.