Day Twenty-Two - Mary's Role in the Pro-Life Movement

Today's Reflection:
by Henry Niemeyer

I have noticed something interesting: in all the many pro-life circles I've been exposed to, it's not often that I hear mention of Mary, which is strange and rather sad.

Mary stands as the paragon of motherhood, and yet she's relatively overlooked in the cause most intimately related to her vocation: Abortion.
Today, I'm not going to say some big, complex things about Mary's efficacy as an intercessor, or her vocation. Today, I simply suggest that we give Mary a more central role in the pro-life movement.

Perhaps next time you pray for the cause, you could ask Mary to slip in a word with her Son, maybe asking her to give the grace of her own motherhood to all mothers considering an abortion. After all, she accepted the most unplanned pregnancy of all, and you can see where that got us.

Pro-Life Prayer to the Virgin Mary

O Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all, we turn to you today as the one who said "Yes" to Life. "You will conceive and bear a Son," the angel told you. Despite the surprise and the uncertainty about how this could be, you said yes. "Be it done unto me according to your word."

Mary, we pray today for all mothers who are afraid to be mothers. We pray for those who feel threatened and overwhelmed by their pregnancy. Intercede for them, that God may give them the grace to say yes and the courage to go on. May they have the grace to reject the false solution of abortion. May they say with you, "Be it done unto me according to your word." May they experience the help of Christian people, and know the peace that comes from doing God's will.


Prayer published by Priests for Life.