Day Twelve - Pro-Life Organizations Everyone Should Know About
![Day Twelve - Pro-Life Organizations Everyone Should Know About](/content/images/size/w960/2022/03/Screen-Shot-2022-03-13-at-9.58.37-AM-1.png)
Today's Reflection
by Grace Chaffins
One of the best things about the pro-life movement is that there is a place for every person. Today, I would like to briefly outline just a few of the major pro-life organizations. This is by no means a complete list of every pro-life organization out there; however, I hope it will be a helpful resource and will encourage you to get involved in whatever pro-life groups appeal to you!
- 40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is an organization that focuses on round-the-clock prayer vigils during Lent. Their three pillars are prayer and fasting, constant vigil, and community outreach. To accomplish their mission of keeping constant vigil outside of abortion facilities, they rely on people in the community. Community members can sign up for their local campaign through the 40 Days for Life website. (
- And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None is a group aimed at helping abortion workers leave the industry. They sum up their mission very concisely and powerfully: if there are no abortion workers left, there can be no abortions. Founded by pro-life speaker and former abortion worker Abby Johnson, And Then There Were None offers emotional, spiritual, employment, and financial help to abortion workers who are seeking to leave their jobs. (
- Faces of Choice
While relatively new, Faces of Choice is a group that is having a big impact on the pro-life movement. This organization seeks to unite and give a voice to abortion survivors. These people are able to share their stories and find a community of people who have been through the same experience. (
- Life Runners
Life Runners offers a unique way to spread the pro-life message – through running! This group stand as witness to the pro-life message on sidewalks and hosts a variety of races to bring awareness to the cause. (
- March for Life
The March for Life – one of the best known pro-life groups – is a group that organizes the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. The March gathers thousands of pro-lifers yearly to walk from the National Mall to the steps of the Supreme Court. Those gathered stand as one to urge lawmakers and our government to defend the lives of the unborn. (
- Priests for Life
Headed by Father Frank Pavone, Priests for Life is an effort to encourage Catholic clergy to preach the pro-life message fearlessly and to educate the laity on topics surrounding issues of life. Priests for Life accomplishes this mission through a variety of ways, and includes an entire family of ministries (e.g. Deacons for Life, Seminarians for Life, Youth Outreach, etc.) (
- Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard
Project Rachel caters directly toward post-abortive women and men who have been affected by an abortion in the past. The seek to help these men and women find peace, healing, and forgiveness for their past choices. Similarly, Rachel’s Vineyard offers regular retreats to help post-abortive women find peace and healing within a confidential community of others who are suffering the same regret and guilt. (,
- Sisters of Life
Sisters of Life is an official religious order in the Catholic Church. In addition to the three regular vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, they profess a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. These sisters serve at crisis pregnancy help centers and dedicate their entire life to helping women and preserving human life at all of its stages. (
- Students for Life of America
Students for Life of America is an organization that seeks to involve students and young adults in the pro-life movement. They accomplish this mission by helping students to open clubs at their schools or within their community, just like this group! These students then focus on educating their peers and offering support to pregnant and parenting students. (
Prayer for Aborted Babies
Heavenly Father,
Thou hast given us the gift of freedom
to love and to follow in Thy ways and commands.
Some parents choose to abuse this freedom
by destroying the gift of life
which Thou hast given to their offspring.
Please forgive those who destroy human life
by aborting their unborn babies.
Give these unborn children the opportunity
to enjoy Thee for all eternity,
if it according to Thy ordinance.
Assist me in being one in solidarity with Thy little ones
by taking to heart the words of Thy Son,
"whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine,
you did for Me." (Mt. 25:40)
Therefore, allow me today, Father,
to adopt spiritually an unborn child
and to offer my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings for that little one,
so that child will be able to be born and live
for Thy greater honor and glory.
We pray this in Jesus' name,
in union with the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever.
Prayer from Catholic Online.