Day Twenty-Two - Mary's Role in the Pro-Life Movement
Mary stands as the paragon of motherhood, and yet she's relatively overlooked in the cause most intimately related to her vocation: Abortion.
Day Twenty-One - The Gift of Motherhood
Remember that as followers of Christ and Pro-Life warriors we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Take heart and pray for an end to abortion. Pray for the gift of motherhood to be held as a sacred gift from God.
Day Twenty - Men and the Pro-Life Movement
It is important to remember that abortion is a human rights issue–the right of the unborn child. It is up to everyone, men and women, to stand up for their right to life.
Day Nineteen - Abortion Survivors
Although we too frequently hear about the victims of abortion, we seldom hear about those who miraculously survive. And now, they are speaking out and sharing their stories with the world.
Day Eighteen - Our Spiritual Foster Father
Joseph was obedient to God and knew that He would provide. Today, let us ask St. Joseph to pray for fathers who are tempted to abort their children, and encourage them to choose life.
Day Seventeen - Women and the Pro-Life Movement
The lie that abortion is a woman's fundamental right is told repeated in the secular world. But the fact is, abortion is one of the most anti-woman issues in this day and age.
Day Sixteen - Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
Our Lenten journey toward Easter is assisted by these three acts, but do we really understand what each of these acts call us to do?
Day Fifteen - Divine Mercy
When we love others and would do anything for them, just imagine how much more God must love us!
Day Fourteen - From Womb to Tomb
Being Pro-Life means respecting ALL life, however big or small and at all stages of life. We must protect life from the womb to the tomb. So, how do we help these innocent voices be heard? How can we be patient, kind, and say the right things to those unwilling to listen?
Day Thirteen - Pro-Life, Pro-Family
The family is where the pro-life seeds are planted, and the culture of life grows from there. But how can a family spark a culture of life in our societies? The answer lies in the very nature of the family.